(If you're new to MATLAB, the syntax for combining two string arrays is ) Current folder or folder on the MATLAB path: Specify the name of the file in filename. Start MATLAB and enter plecslib or choose the entry PLECS in the Simulink Library Browser to open the PLECS Library. Subject: Opening a file using GUI Hi all, I want to create a GUI in MATLAB. You can open an M-file in Matlab by typing.
edu To open it, select Set Path from the File menu in the MATLAB desktop. To recover for this session of MATLAB, type 'restoredefaultpath matlabrc'. To open the Set Path dialog box, on the Home tab, in the Environment section, click Set Path. selpath = uigetdir opens a modal dialog box that displays the folders in the current working directory and returns the path that the user selects from the dialog box. m If you restart MATLAB, go to the le menu and then click on Set Path, you should see the M les and nit folders or directories listed.
Warning: MATLAB did not appear to successfully set the search path. But see my questions for clarifications in the comment above. How to open path in matlab `~/Documents/MATLAB`.